Sunday, 22 July 2012

Rose Weekend - Lady Dixon Park

I nipped up to Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park to see the craft stalls, roses and photography exhibition.

I'd entered a photograph into their Belfast Parks competition and was thrilled to see it on display - (I think all entries were on display but I was still thrilled !)
I took this photo of the photo with my phone !  The original was taken of Victoria and Kelsie in the Palm House in Botanic Gardens.

Just proof that it was on display.

Enjoyed a wander around the craft stalls and the roses - they were looking a bit battered but still beautiful.

Friday, 13 July 2012

13 July 2012

It's tradition that I look after my older nephews and niece on the 12 July night and then take them out on the 13th - last year was a fabulous day on Ballywalter Beach.

This year a fab day out to Tannaghmore Gardens.   One of our absolute favourite places to visit - there is plenty of carparking, a small farm to wander around, an excellent play park, a selection of small gardens and a maze - and all free !

We met up with my friends from school and their children too. 
Gary and Lois

Linda and Roslyn
It's great because the kids run around and we can sit and chat.  Kids only come back when they need fed or watered!

This year we were lucky to spot a squirrel
 and the kids found a tiny frog - brought it up for me to see and then gently returned it to the pond.

Hitchin a lift back to the carpark !

We always finish our day out with a visit to the nearest McDonald's - love it!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Day out with 'my boys' !

While rambling last week at Crawfordsburn I heard there was an exhibition of vintage military vehicles taking place at Grey Point Fort nearby.

I thought it would be an event my nephews would enjoy.
Big gun
View from one of the big guns.
My troops!

Love this one !

 Next photos were taken at Crawfordsburn Country Park later that afternoon.

Dean and Mason 'just shooting the breeze'
All 'my boys'

A really fun, chatty and interesting day out.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Crawfordsburn Country Park Ramble - 30 June 2012

I think this was my first ramble this season - and a really lovely one.

We ventured up 'The Glen' a part of the country park I hadn't seen before and definitely couldn't have managed with out the use of a mobility scooter.  Hurrah for Disabled Ramblers NI !!

The Park is a very popular spot for walking dogs and we met this beautiful Irish Wolfhound named Tala - which is American Indian for wolf !

The beach at Crawfordsburn - beautiful place.  Finished the day with tea at the Cultra Inn - perfect ending.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

End of Term Service - Kelsie

This is Kelsie's last year in Primary School and I attended her End of Term School Service.

She was singing a duet with a class mate and I couldn't miss that!

and she received two sports awards -

I spotted these photos on different walls in the school and took a snap of them

Love these photos - Kelsie was awarded two trophies for sports and I quickly took this photos with her two big brothers.  I'm so proud.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Jean Power Bead Workshop

I have been looking forward to this day for months and it didn't disappoint!

The Glen Gallery is a fantastic craft shop 'stuffed' with all sorts of crafty goodies - I highly recommend a visit.  The lovely owners organise regular workshops for different crafts including beading and knitting.  Check their website for a list of the workshops - new ones are added occasionally so it is a good idea to ring to check what others are planned.

This weekend, Jean Power, a very talented and lovely bead designer from London came for a two day workshop. I know her name and her creations from several beady magazines and as soon as I heard she was coming to Northern Ireland I signed up for the Saturday class.

I was sorry I couldn't attend yesterday but I saw some of Jean's sample pieces -

her geometric stars - and some of the completed stars made by the students - fab.

 Today's theme was Spiral Rope and some of its variations - I made the most  of the opportunity and made 4 different sample pieces.

A workshop is also a lovely opportunity to meet other beaders, see what projects they make, where they get their inspiration and beads from, what other crafts they enjoy.  I spend as much time talking as beading !

I also spent a lot of time browsing in the craft shop - it is a real Aladdin's cave, full of beautiful yarn, beads, fabrics, books, accessories and finished items.

My friend Crafty Claire hard at work !

Jean brought so many of her pieces, some you may recognise from the beady magazines -

Fantastic day!